Friday, September 25, 2015

But we're so different!

How could you love him if he is the complete opposite from you?
Time and time I have heard this from my friends, saying they are nothing alike and nothing good can come from this relationship. Well, I hate to say this to you but this is WRONG!
Maybe the small things, like your favorite color or your favorite place to eat, could seem like large differences. Will those things be the same in 10 years? Personally, I am not close to being the same person that I was 5 years ago. So many things have changed. But ya know what has stayed the same? Traditions that I hold near and dear to my heart, my religion, my standards. If you share those values and traditions with your special someone, is it not worth a try?

Being able to complement one another is a special, very important thing. Sometimes we don't see it because we are looking for, "the one." That one person that will match up perfectly with our likes and dislikes and you will never fight because you both like to do the same things.

My sincere desire is for those of you that believe this myth to be true, to sincerely see how important it is to complement someone. To have your defaults, be his strengths. To help aid and strengthen each other in becoming better people. And see that having the same core values, but different opinions on your tv show, is what will keep you together through the rough times of marriage.

Friday, September 18, 2015

Welcome, welcome

I would like to welcome you to the place that will help me express to you my sincere love and admiration for the term, "marriage". My sincere hope is that my thoughts can stir up yours. And together, we can put more meaning into a simple word that seems to stress out many of us. I can not wait to hear your thoughts!