My family consists of mom, dad, 4 girls and 1 boy, the youngest. The members of my family played the typical roles, mom cooked and cleaned, dad worked, older sister felt like the boss when mom wasn't around, and so on.
Now what would have happened if only my dad came to the States then my family joined him? First off, my brother nor I would have been born. But my mother would now be a single mom. Having to take on both mom AND dad roles. Working long hours to make ends meet. Who would've been mom? Next in line. My older sister. As time goes on, my family would have been so distant from my father, that his authoritative figure would've been lost. This family, now changed and will struggle to succeed.
This, is what immigration is doing to families. I know, understand, and am fully thankful for the reasons so many parents decide to change their lives and move to a different country. I truly admire their courage and determination.
My only suggestion is that they would move as a family. The reason they are changing their lives, they should conserve. Like my family, we are no way close to being perfect, but moving together, as a family, is what helped my parents succeed. Keeping our family role in contact, has helped build our relationships and has kept us so much closer.